Hello guys 01 octuber ....u can start vote for me ...viewers of the year And maybe others categori Regionals .FetishAnd etc categori But important is u vote many times as are posibles Please vote for me I will be very thank you Love you guys
Guys i will be in ,happybirthday in 01 march.,. I SO happy my life is SO good im SO lucky. Thx for this job
Enjoy my new vod guys. They are aweosme ...I Distroy my ass and my wear inThis new year..If u are dildo Lover ...Love Ass Lover ..giant dildo Lover .This is you room. ..Man U need. See my vods and take me in pvt And be the boss lol thx guys
I feel so fuking lonely in my life now ..After too lol but now. Maybe more alone..I 30. Years old. And. Is dificult love me maybe.People wanna fuckme or. Some. But no love .Damnnnnn i just wanna be drunk And forgetter. My lonely
Guys i recomend see my vods with my dildo new ohmibod is fantastic.....allways make me cum lol is awesome .
Guys hello i long days no write much in the blog here ..... I wanna share with u what I liked here What i liked And what i do...Last days I played much with my dildo and ohmybod dildo interactive. Allways make me cum lol .is very funy .and i love...Guys im in bad ranking. Please can you help me with power boost. And. Some tips :) Thx for read me. And. I send hug and kiss
Hey guys. After much trys and much fuck my braind.....i finally make work my dildo ohmibod .. when. Paring laptop with smartphone .....So when i use ohmibod i need. Use cellphone. And laptop and. All mixed. And in this. Way. When. U tip in computer. ..it are. Paring. With smartphone. And. Sound. Activate dildo ...i wass so happy. Wow. I make. It work ....So but i wass need dowload. Another aplication team viewe.r and. I paring mi cellphone with computer. Wow i never do it. Before. And. For me dificult. Lol ..but i do ..Ok tipme. For. Vivrate ...or dowload aplication on ur smartphone and. We go pvt. And. Have all control of ohmibod ......i can teach another models. If they waanna..or are confuced .And sure is more. Easy buy ohmibod musical activation. By music or sound. ..is more. Easy way and no need do all i make. ..
Dowload this app on ur smartphone.(ohmibod) And control my dildo. Interactive. ..In pvt. Or party or when i give u access ....So ks very funy if u love have control total ...is easy dowload. It in u. Store in smartphone. Is free. And. Create acount is easy ..and. After look me. Im Nicoláse. And. Well. Control my pleasure
guys i wanna tell you how use ohmibod toys ....for now my computer no have bluethoot conection ...but i have toy ohmibod and it have awesome aplication for u smartphone...U download it easy in 5 minutes. U make profile: Age ..sex...name..and. Ready. To control my dildo interactive. Whit ur smartphone. And Wow ...is percefect. For people. Love have. Total control
I have hurt. Of. Acid uric im my articulation in foot. .and in Toe. ..in foot ..omg it hurt alottt guys. .i need start control my Food and no much meat. .and sea Food and no much. Things with acid uric .....Wow today. I wake up early. Becouse hurt much jajab. .so im one normal Man. With this. And more sicks. This is the life. ..but. I love my life. I still enjoy. .ok guys. See this week online. It no hurt allways. Or. Stop soon if i care about my Food diet
new pictures in bio ., and in fan club :) i just waiting for flirt4free asept my pictures and u can see it thx guys i asept comentaries ::) thx fan club nice too go go !
Thank you guys. We do it 3010 favorites..guys Thank you so much For Help with this .Thx guys i apreciate very much it .....u are wellcome to my room. And enjoy my bio my blog here ..and. Enjoy my vod s Are awesome .Thx guys
Guys. All this years here in this wanderfull page flirt4free ... And. Have many people add me to favorites...and we are. So close to be 3000 ... Wow. Thank you guys. Please add me to favorites heart
Today i recibe my. Bigets tip on. All times ..My more big tip ..3000 credits. by Surfer ..Wass. aWeSoMe. Espectacular ..Wow. And him sorprice. Me. Alot. ..wowow. I very happy. Guys thx So much S.And guys. For entre in my room
Guys i invited you ...All this wanderfull days to my room ...i will be In happy birthday 1 march ...i hope every body Are súper Good Kiss
Hello guys i recomend ..see in my vods. Dp and more crazy things go to my bio and see my vods
Guys i will be clear.....i need ur help with power boost And Credits ..for can pay my taxes Car ..before march ;) ...i really apreciate All ur help .thx for visited my room;) Hug
Guys i see all days people. Vote for me ...and. When. I no wass online. Mny people remember me and vote for me .I apreciate much it guys thank you so much . yours are par of my life guys thank you for nice 2015/..i whis our 2016. Are better. And we make much money hahah and Sex hahaha.
Hey guys. I need rich. Friends. Or bussines man. For they teach me about. This wolrd. I love. ...if u are. One. ..Please talk me
Please papis vote for me
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