My coat parted, revealing the sneaky little outfit I wore underneath. If you can even call it an outfit. It was a tiny pleated skirt that barely covered my ass in the back. If I were to turn around right now, he would get a good look at the part where my thighs meet the cheeks. And my breasts were held back by a tight white shirt that was tied around my waist, matching black lace bra peeking through the top where I left three buttons loose. I watched his gaze as he took in the view in front of him, his eyes widening, lips parting. Could he see that it was just a cheap Halloween costume from eBay? Was I too bold coming here like this and throwing myself at him?But as his gaze finally met mine, there was nothing but deep, electric desire in those blue eyes. He wet his lips, adjusting himself in his seat. The book slammed shut on the desk, and he rubbed his chin with those long fingers I wanted all over me.
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